3.7.9 math.inc

This file contains many general math functions and macros. Float functions and macros

even(N). A function to test whether N is even, returns 1 when true, 0 when false.

odd(N). A function to test whether N is odd, returns 1 when true, 0 when false.

Interpolate(GC, GS, GE, TS, TE, Method). Interpolation macro, interpolates between the float values TS and TE. The method of interpolation is cosine, linear or exponential. The position where to evaluate the interpolation is determined by the position of GC in the range GS - GE. See example.


  #declare A = Interpolate(0.5, 0, 1, 0, 10, 1);
  #debug str(A,0,2)
  // result A = 5.00

  #declare A = Interpolate(0.0,-2, 2, 0, 10, 1);
  #debug str(A,0,2)
  // result A = 5.00

  #declare A = Interpolate(0.5, 0, 1, 0, 10, 2);
  #debug str(A,0,2)  
  // result A = 2.50

Mean(A). A macro to compute the average of an array of values.

Std_Dev(A, M). A macro to compute the standard deviation.

GetStats(ValArr). This macro declares a global array named "StatisticsArray" containing: N, Mean, Min, Max, and Standard Deviation

Histogram(ValArr, Intervals). This macro declares a global, 2D array named "HistogramArray". The first value in the array is the center of the interval/bin, the second the number of values in that interval.

sind(v), cosd(v), tand(v), asind(v), acosd(v), atan2d(a, b). These functions are versions of the trigonometric functions using degrees, instead of radians, as the angle unit.
The same as for the analogous built-in trig function.

max3(a, b, c). A function to find the largest of three numbers.

min3(a, b, c). A function to find the smallest of three numbers.

f_sqr(v). A function to square a number.

sgn(v). A function to show the sign of the number. Returns -1 or 1 depending on the sign of v.

clip(V, Min, Max). A function that limits a value to a specific range, if it goes outside that range it is "clipped". Input values larger than Max will return Max, those less than Min will return Min.

clamp(V, Min, Max). A function that limits a value to a specific range, if it goes outside that range it is "clamped" to this range, wrapping around. As the input increases or decreases outside the given range, the output will repeatedly sweep through that range, making a "sawtooth" waveform.

adj_range(V, Min, Max). A function that adjusts input values in the range [0, 1] to a given range. An input value of 0 will return Min, 1 will return Max, and values outside the [0, 1] range will be linearly extrapolated (the graph will continue in a straight line).

adj_range2(V, InMin, InMax, OutMin, OutMax). Like f_range(), but adjusts input values in the range [InMin, InMax] to the range [OutMin, OutMax].
Parameters: Vector functions and macros

These are all macros in the current version because functions can not take vector parameters, but this may change in the future.

VSqr(V). Square each individual component of a vector, equivalent to V*V.

VPow(V, P), VPow5D(V, P). Raise each individual component of a vector to a given power.

VEq(V1, V2). Tests for equal vectors, returns true if all three components of V1equal the respective components of V2.

VEq5D(V1, V2). A 5D version of VEq(). Tests for equal vectors, returns true if all 5 components of V1 equal the respective components of V2.

VZero(V). Tests for a < 0, 0, 0> vector.

VZero5D(V). Tests for a < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0> vector.

VLength5D(V). Computes the length of a 5D vector.

VNormalize5D(V). Normalizes a 5D vector.

VDot5D(V1, V2). Computes the dot product of two 5D vectors. See vdot() for more information on dot products.

VCos_Angle(V1, V2). Compute the cosine of the angle between two vectors.

VAngle(V1, V2), VAngleD(V1, V2). Compute the angle between two vectors. VAngle() returns the angle in radians, VAngleD() in degrees.

VRotation(V1, V2, Axis), VRotationD(V1, V2, Axis).Compute the rotation angle from V1 to V2 around Axis. Axis should be perpendicular to both V1 and V2. The output will be in the range between -pi and pi radians or between -180 degrees and 180 degrees if you are using the degree version. However, if Axis is set to <0,0,0> the output will always be positive or zero, the same result you will get with the VAngle() macros.

VDist(V1, V2). Compute the distance between two points.

VPerp_To_Vector(V). Find a vector perpendicular to the given vector.

VPerp_To_Plane(V1, V2). Find a vector perpendicular to both given vectors. In other words, perpendicular to the plane defined by the two input vectors

VPerp_Adjust(V1, Axis). Find a vector perpendicular to Axis and in the plane of V1 and Axis. In other words, the new vector is a version of V1 adjusted to be perpendicular to Axis.

VProject_Plane(V1, Axis). Project vector V1 onto the plane defined by Axis.

VProject_Axis(V1, Axis). Project vector V1 onto the axis defined by Axis.

VMin(V), VMax(V). Find the smallest or largest component of a vector.

VWith_Len(V, Len). Create a vector parallel to a given vector but with a given length.
Parameters: Vector Analysis

SetGradientAccuracy(Value): all below macros make use of a constant named '__Gradient_Fn_Accuracy_' for numerical approximation of the derivatives. This constant can be changed with the macro, the default value is 0.001.

fn_Gradient(Fn): macro calculating the gradient of a function as a function.

Output: the length of the gradient as a function.

fn_Gradient_Directional(Fn, Dir): macro calculating the gradient of a function in one direction as a function.

Output: the gradient in that direction as a function.

fn_Divergence(Fnx, Fny, Fnz): macro calculating the divergence of a (vector) function as a function.

Output: the divergence as a function.

vGradient(Fn, p0): macro calculating the gradient of a function as a vector expression.

Output: the gradient as a vector expression.

vCurl(Fnx, Fny, Fnz, p0): macro calculating the curl of a (vector) function as a vector expression

Output: the curl as a vector expression

Divergence(Fnx, Fny, Fnz, p0): macro calculating the divergence of a (vector) function as a float expression

Output: the divergence as a float expression.

Gradient_Length(Fn, p0): macro calculating the length of the gradient of a function as a float expression.

Output: the length of the gradient as a float expression.

Gradient_Directional(Fn, p0, Dir): macro calculating the gradient of a function in one direction as a float expression.

Output: the gradient in that direction as a float expression