
bibliomixed — An entry in a Bibliography



BiblioMixed is an entry in a Bibliography. The contents of BiblioMixed includes all necessary punctuation for formatting. Presentation systems usually display all of the elements in a BiblioMixed.

Processing expectations

Formatted as a displayed block.

BiblioMixed entries are “cooked.” In addition to named fields, they can contain interspersed #PCDATA to provide punctuation and other formatting information.

The processing system is generally expected to present each and every element in the entry, and all interspersed #PCDATA, in the order in which it occurs.


These elements contain bibliomixed: bibliodiv, bibliography, bibliolist.

See Also

biblioentry, bibliomisc, bibliomset, biblioset


This alpha reference page is $Revision: 1.3 $ published $Date: 2005/07/07 16:40:26 $.