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3.3.1 Camera |
POV-Ray 3.6 for UNIX documentation 3.3.2 Atmospheric Effects |
3.3.3 Global Settings |
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Atmospheric effects are a loosely-knit group of features that affect the background and/or the atmosphere enclosing the scene. POV-Ray includes the ability to render a number of atmospheric effects, such as fog, haze, mist, rainbows and skies.
Atmospheric effects such as fog, dust, haze, or visible gas may be simulated by a media
specified in the scene but not attached to any object. All areas not inside a non-hollow object in the entire scene. A
very simple approach to add fog to a scene is explained in section "Fog" however this
kind of fog does not interact with any light sources like media
does. It will not
show light beams or other effects and is therefore not very realistic.
The atmosphere media effect overcomes some of the fog's limitations by calculating the interaction between light and the particles in the atmosphere using volume sampling. Thus shafts of light beams will become visible and objects will cast shadows onto smoke or fog.
Note: POV-Ray cannot sample media along an infinitely long ray. The ray must be
finite in order to be possible to sample. This means that sampling media is only possible for rays that hit an object.
So no atmospheric media will show up against background
or sky_sphere
Another way of
being able to sample media is using spotlights because also in this case the ray is not infinite (it is sampled only
inside the spotlight cone).
With spotlights you will be able to create the best results because their
cone of light will become visible. Pointlights can be used to create effects like street lights in fog. Lights can be
made to not interact with the atmosphere by adding media_interaction off
to the light source. They can be
used to increase the overall light level of the scene to make it look more realistic.
Complete details on media
are given in the section "Media". Earlier
versions of POV-Ray used an atmosphere
statement for atmospheric effects but that system was incompatible
with the old object halo
system. So atmosphere
has been eliminated and replaced with a
simpler and more powerful media feature. The user now only has to learn one media
system for either
atmospheric or object use.
If you only want media effects in a particular area, you should use object media rather than only relying upon the media pattern. In general it will be faster and more accurate because it only calculates inside the constraining object.
Note: the atmosphere feature will not work if the camera is inside a non-hollow object (see section "Empty and Solid Objects" for a detailed explanation).
A background color can be specified if desired. Any ray that does not hit an object will be colored with this
color. The default background is black. The syntax for background
BACKGROUND: background {COLOR}
If it is not necessary for light beams to interact with atmospheric media, then fog
may be a faster
way to simulate haze or fog. This feature artificially adds color to every pixel based on the distance the ray has
traveled. The syntax for fog is:
FOG: fog { [FOG_IDENTIFIER] [FOG_ITEMS...] } FOG_ITEMS: fog_type Fog_Type | distance Distance | COLOR | turbulence <Turbulence> | turb_depth Turb_Depth | omega Omega | lambda Lambda | octaves Octaves | fog_offset Fog_Offset | fog_alt Fog_Alt | up <Fog_Up> | TRANSFORMATION
lambda : 2.0 fog_type : 1 fog_offset : 0.0 fog_alt : 0.0 octaves : 6 omega : 0.5 turbulence : <0,0,0> turb_depth : 0.5 up : <0,1,0>
Currently there are two fog types, the default fog_type 1
is a constant fog and fog_type 2
is ground fog. The constant fog has a constant density everywhere while the ground fog has a constant density for all
heights below a given point on the up axis and thins out along this axis.
The color of a pixel with an intersection depth d is calculated by
PIXEL_COLOR = exp(-d/D) * OBJECT_COLOR + (1-exp(-d/D)) * FOG_COLOR
where D is the specified
value of the required fog distance
keyword. At depth 0 the final color is the object's color. If the
intersection depth equals the fog distance the final color consists of 64% of the object's color and 36% of the fog's
Note: for this equation, a distance of zero is undefined. In practice, povray will treat this value as "fog is off". To use an extremely thick fog, use a small nonzero number such as 1e-6 or 1e-10.
For ground
fog, the height below which the fog has constant density is specified by the fog_offset
keyword. The fog_alt
keyword is used to specify the rate by which the fog fades away. The default values for both are 0.0 so be sure to
specify them if ground fog is used. At an altitude of Fog_Offset+Fog_Alt
the fog has a density
of 25%. The density of the fog at height less than or equal to Fog_Offset is 1.0 and for height larger than
than Fog_Offset is calculated by:
1/(1 + (y - Fog_Offset) / Fog_Alt) ^2
The total density along a ray is calculated by integrating from the height of the starting point to the height of the end point.
The optional up
vector specifies a direction pointing up, generally the same as the camera's up
vector. All calculations done during the ground fog evaluation are done relative to this up vector, i. e. the actual
heights are calculated along this vector. The up vector can also be modified using any of the known transformations
described in "Transformations". Though it may not be a good idea to scale the up vector
- the results are hardly predictable - it is quite useful to be able to rotate it. You should also note that
translations do not affect the up direction (and thus do not affect the fog).
The required fog color has three purposes. First it defines the color to be used in blending the fog and the background. Second it is used to specify a translucency threshold. By using a transmittance larger than zero one can make sure that at least that amount of light will be seen through the fog. With a transmittance of 0.3 you will see at least 30% of the background. Third it can be used to make a filtering fog. With a filter value larger than zero the amount of background light given by the filter value will be multiplied with the fog color. A filter value of 0.7 will lead to a fog that filters 70% of the background light and leaves 30% unfiltered.
Fogs may be layered. That is, you can apply as many layers of fog as you like. Generally this is most effective if each layer is a ground fog of different color, altitude and with different turbulence values. To use multiple layers of fogs, just add all of them to the scene.
You may optionally stir up the fog by adding turbulence. The turbulence
keyword may be followed by a float or vector to specify an amount of turbulence to be used. The omega
, lambda
and octaves
turbulence parameters may also be specified. See section "Pattern
Modifiers" for details on all of these turbulence parameters.
Additionally the fog turbulence may be scaled along the
direction of the viewing ray using the turb_depth
amount. Typical values are from 0.0 to 1.0 or more. The
default value is 0.5 but any float value may be used.
Note: the fog feature will not work if the camera is inside a non-hollow object (see section "Empty and Solid Objects" for a detailed explanation).
The sky sphere is used create a realistic sky background without the need of an additional sphere to simulate the sky. Its syntax is:
The sky sphere can contain several pigment layers with the last pigment being at the top, i. e. it is evaluated last, and the first pigment being at the bottom, i. e. it is evaluated first. If the upper layers contain filtering and/or transmitting components lower layers will shine through. If not lower layers will be invisible.
The sky sphere is calculated by using the direction vector as the parameter for evaluating the pigment patterns. This leads to results independent from the view point which pretty good models a real sky where the distance to the sky is much larger than the distances between visible objects.
If you want to add a nice color blend to your background you can easily do this by using the following example.
sky_sphere { pigment { gradient y color_map { [ 0.5 color CornflowerBlue ] [ 1.0 color MidnightBlue ] } scale 2 translate -1 } }
This gives a soft blend from CornflowerBlue
at the horizon to MidnightBlue
at the zenith.
The scale and translate operations are used to map the direction vector values, which lie in the range from <-1,
-1, -1> to <1, 1, 1>, onto the range from <0, 0, 0> to <1, 1, 1>. Thus a repetition of the color
blend is avoided for parts of the sky below the horizon.
In order to easily animate a sky sphere you can transform it using the usual transformations described in "Transformations". Though it may not be a good idea to translate or scale a sky sphere - the results are hardly predictable - it is quite useful to be able to rotate it. In an animation the color blendings of the sky can be made to follow the rising sun for example.
Note: only one sky sphere can be used in any scene. It also will not work as you might expect if you use camera types like the orthographic or cylindrical camera. The orthographic camera uses parallel rays and thus you will only see a very small part of the sky sphere (you will get one color skies in most cases). Reflections in curved surface will work though, e. g. you will clearly see the sky in a mirrored ball.
Rainbows are implemented using fog-like, circular arcs. Their syntax is:
RAINBOW: rainbow { [RAINBOW_IDENTIFIER] [RAINBOW_ITEMS...] } RAINBOW_ITEM: direction <Dir> | angle Angle | width Width | distance Distance | COLOR_MAP | jitter Jitter | up <Up> | arc_angle Arc_Angle | falloff_angle Falloff_Angle
arc_angle : 180.0 falloff_angle : 180.0 jitter : 0.0 up : y
The required direction
vector determines the direction of the (virtual) light that is responsible for
the rainbow. Ideally this is an infinitely far away light source like the sun that emits parallel light rays. The
position and size of the rainbow are specified by the required angle
and width
keywords. To
understand how they work you should first know how the rainbow is calculated.
For each ray the angle between the rainbow's direction vector and the ray's direction vector is calculated. If this
angle lies in the interval from Angle-Width/2
to Angle+Width/2
rainbow is hit by the ray. The color is then determined by using the angle as an index into the rainbow's color_map.
After the color has been determined it will be mixed with the background color in the same way like it is done for
The color_map
statement is used to assign a color map that will be mapped
onto the rainbow. To be able to create realistic rainbows it is important to know that the index into the color map
increases with the angle between the ray's and rainbow's direction vector. The index is zero at the innermost ring and
one at the outermost ring. The filter and transmittance values of the colors in the color map have the same meaning as
the ones used with fogs (see section "Fog").
The default rainbow is a 360 degree arc that looks like a circle. This is no problem as long as you have a ground
plane that hides the lower, non-visible part of the rainbow. If this is not the case or if you do not want the full
arc to be visible you can use the optional keywords up
, arc_angle
and falloff_angle
to specify a smaller arc.
The arc_angle
keyword determines the size of
the arc in degrees (from 0 to 360 degrees). A value smaller than 360 degrees results in an arc that abruptly vanishes.
Since this does not look nice you can use the falloff_angle
keyword to specify a region in which the
rainbow will smoothly blend into the background making it vanish softly. The falloff angle has to be smaller or equal
to the arc angle.
The following example generates a 120 degrees rainbow arc that has a falloff region of 30 degrees at both ends:
rainbow { direction <0, 0, 1> angle 42.5 width 5 distance 1000 jitter 0.01 color_map { Rainbow_Color_Map } up <0, 1, 0> arc_angle 120 falloff_angle 30 }
It is possible to use any number of rainbows and to combine them with other atmospheric effects.
More about "Pattern Modifiers"
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3.3.1 Camera | 3.3.2 Atmospheric Effects | 3.3.3 Global Settings |
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